Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top Five Wishes for Education in 2011

As the year ends and we move into the second decade of the 21st century, here are some of my wishes for education in the New Year:

  1.  The end of black/white boards!!  Smart Boards in every classroom!
  2.   No more desks in 21st century classrooms.  Desks are rigid and confining...not what education is    about today!
  3.  Access to 1:1 computing for all students....the power to consume, create, collaborate and share can only help student learning soar!
  4. Fewer books and content is here folks!!
  5. The prohibition of cell phones and other devices in the classroom....let's embrace what the students hold dear!
More to come........the biggie is how to pay for some of the above in these dire times.  Stay tuned and HAPPY NEW YEAR!